From its founding in 1948 as the Department of Extra-Mural Studies, the School of Continuing and Distance Education (SCDE) has been the centre of excellence in providing university-based adult education, continuing education, as well as distance education across the country. In a competitive market-driven, technological, global environment of the 21st Century, the University of Ghana has positioned itself in educating the youth, training new entrants into the work force, and continuously educating and re-training those already in the work force for the acquisition of new knowledge and appropriate skills. Using interdisciplinary, comparative, gender-sensitive, community-based, interactive learning perspectives, and technology, the SCDE’s highly motivated and committed faculty and staff apply their specializations in all fields of study to illuminate the relevance of higher education for empowering individuals, families, communities, and the nation for development and poverty reduction.
Strategic Advantages:
- Our research activities cover field studies, evaluation studies, action research and experimental research in all 10 regions of the country.
- The School runs the University of Ghana’s Distance Education programme which now makes it possible for the University to offer both undergraduate and post-graduate degrees by distance to many people who otherwise would not have been able to access higher education.
- Our physical resources include a printing press, library, and infrastructure in all 10 regions.
- With our presence in twelve (12) Learning Centres, we extend the resources of the University of Ghana to a wide range of Ghanaians in recognition of their ability to learn regardless of age, sex, religion, ethnicity, place and region of residence.
- Our extension services to the community incorporate a variety of non-formal educational programmes in health care, HIV and AIDS Counseling and Care-giving, family life education, agriculture, environmental management, literacy, civic and community engagement, public lectures, conferences and residential schools such as the Annual New Year School and Conference.
Strategic Goals:
- Promote cutting edge research and publication.
- Promote academic excellence at both the undergraduate and graduate levels through effective teaching and learning using Information and Communication Technologies.
- Recruit well-qualified faculty and address the human resource needs of faculty and staff through continuous professional development.
- Collaborate with universities (both national and international) through joint research and conferences.
- Increase the students’ number in the Distance Education programme through effective marketing and communication strategies, as well as the introduction of online and hybrid courses at undergraduate and graduate levels using the Schools’ state-of-the-art equipment.
- Transform University of Ghana Learning Centres into satellite campuses on the Accra City campus model.
- Establish links with Adult Education organisations and professional bodies to improve visibility and public image of the School and its units.
- Expand and strengthen the financial resources of the School and its units.
- Monitor activities of the School to ensure user satisfaction of our services.
- Evaluate activities of the School to ensure continuous feedback from internal and external stakeholders.
Constituent Units of the School of Continuing and Distance Education:
Vision of SCDE
The vision of the School of Continuing and Distance Education is to be the centre of excellence for the efficient delivery of university-based continuing and distance education to meet the challenges of national development and global competition of the twenty-first century.
Mission of SCDE
The School of Continuing and Distance Education is committed to the development of world-class human resources and capacities relevant to the needs of Ghana and other African countries through continuing and ICT-based distance education.