Professor Olivia A. T. Frimpong Kwapong (PhD) Academic Profile
Prof. Olivia A. T. Frimpong Kwapong is the Dean of the School of Continuing and Distance Education, College of Education, University of Ghana to provide leadership by managing human, financial and material resources of the School in line with the policy framework of the University.
Olivia holds a PhD degree from the University of Ghana and has studied as a Special Doctoral Candidate at Harvard University. In the year 2013 she served as a Fulbright Visiting Scholar, at Bloomsburg University in the United States of America.
Her research has focused on empowerment of women through adult education, open and distance learning and the use of ICTs. She has published extensively in both local and international journals. She has authored five books and over 30 journal articles.
Prof. Kwapong has consulted for local and international organizations that promote empowerment of women and the creation of access to tertiary education. She has benefitted from numerous awards that gave her opportunity to travel and study abroad and also to undertake research.
She chairs the Governing Council of the Presbyterian Woman’s College of Education and the Board of Directors of the Ghana News Agency and serves on the Advisory Board of the Africa Peace Network, Social Science Research Council, New York.
Selected Publications
Kwapong O. A. T. F. (2020). African women, technology and ICTs, In Yakob-Haliso, O & Falola, T. (eds.). The Palgrave Handbook of African Women’s Studies. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kwapong, O. A. T. F. (2019). Schools have failed us: A systemic roadblock to access to higher education in Ghana, West Africa, In Huber, T. and O’Meara, J. (eds). A Volume in International Education Inquiries: People, Places and Perspectives of Education 2030 – Teacher Education at the Edge: Expanding Access and Exploring Frontiers. Information Age Publishing. Pages 231 – 251
Kwapong, O. A. T. F. (2019). Defining adult education as a field of study and a practice an overview. In A. Arko-Achemfuor, K. P. Quan-Baffour & D. Addae (eds). Adult, continuing and lifelong education and development in Africa. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Kutame, L. C., & Kwapong, O. A. T. F. (2019). Assessment of Learning Needs of Street Vendors in Ghana: Implications for Adult Education. In I. Biao (Ed.), Learning Cities, Town Planning, and the Creation of Livelihoods (pp. 137-149). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-8134-5.ch008
Kwapong, O. A. T. F. (2015). Dynamics of Adult Education Provisions in the African Sub-Region: Focus on University Based Adult Education in Ghana. PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning. Vol. 24.
Kwapong O. A. T. F. (2013). Adult education – A Global Overview. Outskirts Press, pps.352.
Oheneba-Sakyi, Y., Tagoe, M., Kwapong, O. A. T. F, & Badu-Nyarko, S. K. (2014). Changing Trends in Adult and Continuing Education: The Ghanaian Experience. In Changing Perspectives on the Social Sciences in Ghana (pp. 313-333). Netherlands: Springer.
Addah, K., Kpebu, K. & Kwapong, O. A. T. F. (2012). Promoting E-Learning in distance education programs in an African country. Long-Distance and Lifelong Perspectives, ISBN: 978-953-51-0250-2, InTech, Available from: learning-long-distance-and-lifelong-perspectives/promoting-e-learning-in-distance-education-programmes-in- an-african-country
Kwapong, O. A. T. F. (2010). Engaging women in the use of ICT for development. Universitas. Vol. 12
Research, Consultancy and Conferences/Events
Year |
Description |
2020 |
71st Annual New Year School and Conferences, ‘Attaining Ghana Beyond: Prospects and Challenges’, Lead Organiser, ($112k). |
2019 |
Council for Social Science Research, New York, USA, Africa Peace Building Network & Next Generation Workshop for fellows, June, 2019, Ghana, Team Leader, ($125K) |
2019 |
70th Annual New Year School and Conference, ‘Building Stronger institutions for democratic consolidation in Ghana, SCDE, Co-Director’, ($35K) . |
2018 |
69th Annual New Year School and Conference, ‘Job Creation for Accelerated National Development: the Role of the Private Sector’, SCDE, Co-Director, ($46K) |
2017 |
68th Annual New Year School and Conference, ‘Promoting National Development through Agricultural Modernization: The Role of ICT’, SCDE, Co-Director ($33K) |
2017 |
Growth in West Africa: impacts of extractive industry on women’s economic empowerment in Cote d’Ivoire & Ghana, The Growth and Economic Opportunities for Women (GrOW) program, International Development Research Centre, Team Member, ($135K). |
2010 |
Evaluative study on ‘Tracking Education Needs Inclusively (TENI) project for CSPS, University of Ghana, Legon |
2009 |
Building University and Local Government Partnerships in Support of Urban Poverty Alleviation: An Evolutionary Approach, World Bank Group, Team Leader, ($50K). |
2007 |
Materials Production and Multi-media delivery of University of Ghana Distance Education Courses, World Bank, Teaching and Learning Innovation Fund (TALIF), Team Member. |
2006 |
Building the Capacity of University of Ghana Staff for Distance Education, World Bank, Teaching and Learning Innovation Fund (TALIF), Team Member, ($197K). |