The Master of Arts (MA) in Adult Education involves course work, seminar presentation with dissertation or non-dissertation options. Those who opt for non-dissertation undertake an independent study on any adult education issue.
The duration for MA programme in one year-two semesters for the regular students and two long vacation periods for sandwich students.
The study period for each long vacation comprises six weeks of teaching, one week of revision and one week of examinations. The sandwich option is an intensive fee paying programme.
The courses offered for MA include:
Philosophy and Scope of Adult Education, Adult Psychology and Andragogy, Management of Adult Education Organisations, Methodology of Educational Research, Community Development, Comtemporary Issues in Adult Education, programme Planning and Evaluation, Distance Education, Guidance and Counselling and Human Resource Management.
Entry Requirements
Master of Philosophy in Adult Education
Both Full-time and Sandwich students may progress to pursue the Master of Philosophy in Adult Education after completing the course work. The coursework entails the courses outlined under the Master of Arts programme. Selection for the MPhil programme is based on performance and preference of the student.
In addition to the course work pursued the students must write a thesis under supervision. The duration for the thesis work is two semesters or one academic year. It will also involve seminar presentations.
Doctor of Philosophy in Adult Education
The Doctor of Philosophy in Adult Education is an independent research-based programme that culminates in the writing of a thesis and defence (viva).
The doctoral student will be required to present seminars as part of the programme. The minimum duration of the programme is three academic years for full-time students and five years for part-time students.
Entry Requirements:
Normally, an MPhil degree in Adult Education will be required. Where a candidate is judged to have any deficiency, the candidate may be required to register first in the MPhil programme or the deficiency may be remedied by requiring the candidate to make up either by coursework or a mini-project or both. The candidate must complete and pass the relevant coursework before proceeding to the PhD.
Mode of application:
All applicants with the requisite qualification or entry requirements indicated above must purchase the University of Ghana scratch card. Applicants must use the serial number on the scratch card to log into the University of Ghana Website: and fill the application online. Applicants need to follow other instructions stated as part of the application process. The scratch cards can be purchased from banks which will normally be indicated in the University’s advert.
For further enquires on the academic programmes of ICDE, visit our website:, the Teaching and Research Unit at the SCDE, Legon or any of the regional centres or call 0302939402 /501789 /500391.