The College of Education has welcomed Prof. Samuel Nii Ardey Codjoe as the new Provost. The Provost took turns to visit the Schools within the College. These meetings are necessary as he took the opportunity to share his vision with the faculty and staff of the College.
During his meeting with the faculty and staff of the School of Continuing and Distance Education, the Provost shared these three (3) strategic objectives in his vision for the College which he intends to pursue from 2022-2025. These three strategic priorities are (i)Facilitate Research, Innovation, and Development (ii) Improvement and Expansion of Distance Education (DE) and Sandwich Programmes and the Introduction of new Courses and (iii) Enhance Relationship with Stakeholders.
Prof. Codjoe explained the need for faculty members to use their current position to leverage grant opportunities available both nationally and globally. He tasked faculty to do more research to build their profiles by subscribing to national and global journals to keep abreast of current research trends. He pledged his support to help bring the College of Education up in research and grant acquisition to match shoulders with other Colleges in the University. For this to become a reality, he promised setting up a Centre for Educational Research to give the College the visibility to attract funding and offer faculty the opportunity to access research information. The Provost disclosed that this will be his legacy project for the College.
The Provost presenting his strategic plan to Faculty of SCDE. Looking on is the Dean of SCDE |
Prof. Codjoe indicated that a lot of work would be done to reposition the Distance Education Programme. He did not mince words to bemoan the low student intake for the programme as compared to the intake of sister universities. He assured members of the School that he would work with his Team to increase student enrolment for the programme. For this goal to become feasible, the Provost stressed it was very crucial to revamp the University of Ghana Learning Centres to befit a tertiary status. He further mentioned that the College has properties across the country that needed refurbishing to expand the Distance Education programme.
Prof. Codjoe assured faculty members that he would work on improving the allowances for Tutors and other staff. He added that the challenge of late payment for tutorials would be addressed. In his presentation, the Provost hinted on collaborating with industry and enhancing relationships with Alumni as some of the major issues he will be paying attention to.
During his meeting with Senior and Junior Staff, the discussion centred on pertinent issues hindering staff performance at work. Staff took the opportunity to present their challenges. Some of which touched on their promotion, their allowances and logistics needed to enable them work efficiently and effectively.
Junior & Senior Staff meeting with the Provost
The Provost was optimistic about achieving set goals in his strategic objectives. He however mentioned that this can only be possible when all hands are on deck. He, therefore, solicited the support of all to move the College to its desired heights.